
Real Results You Can Measure

Research-Proven Training

While we often use the acronym HIIT, technically HUSTLE is something else. Instead of arbitrary intervals, we use research-proven heart rate-based training methods to deliver you the most intentionally designed group exercise programs in the industry. In each workout, your HUSTLE Performance Trainer will guide you through an appropriate warm-up and then progressively challenge you through 5 different heart rate zones, coaching you on when to push harder and when to ease off for recovery. Zones 1 and 2 are more appropriate for rest and recovery, while Zones 3-5 are where you burn the most calories. Your HIT (HUSTLE Intensity Total) is the amount of time you spend in the most active Zones. 12-15 minutes in Zone 4 is associated with the greatest gains in metabolic and cardiovascular health.


  • Strength Training

    Fact: the best way to change your body and improve your metabolism is by resistance training 3-4x per week. Our programs and exercises change daily to maximize your results and keep things interesting.

  • Air-Bike

    This low-impact, calorie-torching piece of equipment sets the tone for your workout. Burn fat, boost cardio, and build strength with the air-bikes unique application of muscle-promoting resistance.

  • Functional Movement

    Our open studio layout opens the door for a wide range of functional movements. What good is a beautiful body if it doesn’t move well? We focus on utilizing all three planes of motion within each workout.

Personal Training in a Group Environment

Your HUSTLE Performance Trainer is more than just a “coach.” They are a nationally certified professional who’s primary goal is to help you achieve yours! While you are working out within a group environment, your Trainer will call on you by name, deliver hands-on service, and make adjustments to your movements for any injuries or limitations. Using our in-studio monitors connected to your personal wearable device, HUSTLE Performance Trainers help guide you to your specific needs that day.

The trainers always help me feel seen, supported, and safe. I love training at HUSTLE knowing I’m more than just a number. I truly feel taken care of.

— Ashleigh S.